Benjamin Franklin once said, ‘If everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking at all’. For me, he has perfectly summed up the importance of being an individual. If we all were the same, the world would just be one massive clone - dressing the same way, thinking the same way and living the same way! For so long, I was fixated on trying to act and be like everyone else; I thought that more people would like me this way and maybe be more accepting of me! I couldn't have been more wrong.
By trying to be someone else, I was losing who I really was! A few months back, I was asked what I thought my true personality was and if I could describe it. This turned out to be a struggle for me. Back then, I tried to adapt my personality to who I was with - this was tiring. I was so worried about what people thought of me; terrified that some of my peers would think I was weird. Well, what I've realised is that being weird is a good thing.
I applaud people I see in the streets who are wearing something different. They have had the courage to dress how they want to, be how they want to. Even if passers-by give them strange looks, they wouldn't care because their true personality is being shown and they are proud of it! This, is how we all should live! Not being afraid of being who you really are despite societies preconceptions. If you feel comfortable and happy wearing a certain outfit, whether it is a trend or not, just wear it for yourself - don't just do things because people have told you to do so.
Tattoo's. Tattoo's are something that can be judged in today's society. I've heard stories about people who have been discriminated against because they just have tattoo's. I understand that for some jobs, such as teaching, they have to be covered but you should never judge a person based on what they put on their bodies. It's their decision as it is their body. Personally, I wouldn't get one, however that doesn't mean I would be prejudice against someone who has. It, most likely, is their way of expressing their individuality or having something that means a lot to them close by.
Interests is another thing that can show a lot about someones personality. Boys don't always have to be interested in football and girls don't always have to be good at dance. Just 'Do what you wanna do' (Maroon 5 reference) and don't worry about what other people will say. As many of you know, I play badminton. I have heard some people take the mickey out of people that play this sport. Honestly, I have no idea why. I play because I love to do so and I won't be influenced by any one else's views.
I truly believe that being your own person is so important. Embrace and express your individuality. Love who you are without worrying about judgement. I will leave you this this from my favourite artist, 'Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I want to be!' - Avril Lavigne