I am Malala

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

This is the most inspiring book that I have ever read. After receiving this book for Christmas, I was hooked and finished it in 4 days. For some, this may not sound like much but I'm not an avid reader so to finish a book in that time, means that I really enjoyed it.

Last year, I had heard the news about Malala doing exceptionally well in her GCSEs and, admittedly, this was the first time I had heard about this girl. I'm embarrassed that I was so unaware of her story at the time because I never used to watch or read up about the news. This is something that I want to change in 2016 for myself as it so important to know about the world around you. Anyway, Malala, after everything that she had been through, had done really well so I was inspired to do well in my studies from this news alone. After reading the whole book, I am inspired, not only to study hard, but to change some aspects of my own life.

The book begins with Malala describing herself, her likes/dislikes, her hobbies, special talents - you feel like you can relate yourself to her as a normal teenager. From her early years onwards, Malala had held strong beliefs. I folded over a page which I thought was showed this; Malala didn't want to cover her face, with wraps, as her face is her identity. This is amazing. A young child was brave enough to not always go with the tradition and do as she believes right.

Whilst the leader of the Taliban was doing radio podcasts about how girls shouldn't be going to school, Malala and her friends were staging their own protest in their own school. Usually, the more intellectual girls would sit at the front so every week they would swap sits with the girls near the back to show equality. This was defiance in secret but Malala still wanted to express her own views and experiences of the Taliban so started writing a diary to show the western world what a young girl was going through. Although she knew that this was dangerous, she felt like the world needed to know the truth and she was courageous enough to do it.

After the shooting, Malala's life changed; she has to live in Birmingham away from the Taliban and her home which she so dearly misses. There is now a Malala fund which helps young people across the world have an access to education and Malala has spoken multiple times to help change the world education issue. I particularly found her speech, which she delivered to the UN, very moving - this girl has a way with her words that makes you want to back her all the way. Also, I did laugh when she explains that she disagrees with Barack Obama's polices and told him that to his face. Malala is standing up for what she believes in and expresses that to all, even huge authority figures.

This book really made me think about family. Malala has such a close relationship with her father particularly and I think, during the hard times in Pakistan, they bounced inspiration off each other. Something interesting which Malala's father said was that, Malala used to be known as his daughter, now he is know as Malala's father. Their relationship is so strong and it was lovely to read about it in her book. Also, Malala's brothers kept her very down to Earth as they continued to tease her and view Malala just as their older sister.

I think that the main message I have taken away from this book is that, God sends the solution before the problem. Although Malala and I follow different religions, I believe that this is very true in all situations, especially hers. This girl is truly an inspiration to all and her bravery and sacrifice has made me re-evaluate some of my decisions. I have been inspired to not be afraid about voicing my opinions and have learnt that it is okay to disagree with others. Age didn't hold back Malala and it certainly should hold back anyone - everyone can make a difference with a little bravery.

Have you read this book? If not, I wholeheartedly recommend that you do. Even though I finished this at the end of 2015, it was my favourite book that I had read throughout the year. 



  1. Definitely on my to-read list just in life! She's so inspiring and a great role model for women and kids everywhere!

    Jasmine | The Sixth Disney Princess

    1. She certainly is! Definitely give it a read!!


  2. I've been wanting to buy this book for a while now, Malala is such an inspiration so thanks so much for reminding me to purchase it! Great post xx

    1. Malala has definitely inspired me! Thank you, let me know your thoughts on it! :)


  3. I haven't read this book but it sounds really good! I definitely will try picking it up in the summer when I have more time to read! Thank you for the lovely review x


    1. It's such an inspirational book, I'm sure you'll love it! Aw, that's alright


  4. This is definitely going to my to-read-list. Thank you for the review x

    Sophie | ssophiespot.blogspot.co.uk

    1. An amazing book! Let me know your thoughts after you read it!


  5. Wow! This sounds like such an inspirational read! Definitely going on my reading list! I've just finished The Life Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo, and I thought that was inspirational - but this just sounds like an incredible book! Lovely review!
    Charlotte xx - Charlotte Sophia Roberts

    1. Oh! I've read that book and loved it! Thank you!


  6. I'm in the midst of reading it and although I've been following Malala for a while now, I'm learning so much and being truly imspired by her story. She's so intelligent, well spoken, and brave making things happen for a cause she cares so much about. And it's even more amazing that she is so young! I want to be like her when I grow up!

    - Courtney


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

I am Malala

This is the most inspiring book that I have ever read. After receiving this book for Christmas, I was hooked and finished it in 4 days. For some, this may not sound like much but I'm not an avid reader so to finish a book in that time, means that I really enjoyed it.

Last year, I had heard the news about Malala doing exceptionally well in her GCSEs and, admittedly, this was the first time I had heard about this girl. I'm embarrassed that I was so unaware of her story at the time because I never used to watch or read up about the news. This is something that I want to change in 2016 for myself as it so important to know about the world around you. Anyway, Malala, after everything that she had been through, had done really well so I was inspired to do well in my studies from this news alone. After reading the whole book, I am inspired, not only to study hard, but to change some aspects of my own life.

The book begins with Malala describing herself, her likes/dislikes, her hobbies, special talents - you feel like you can relate yourself to her as a normal teenager. From her early years onwards, Malala had held strong beliefs. I folded over a page which I thought was showed this; Malala didn't want to cover her face, with wraps, as her face is her identity. This is amazing. A young child was brave enough to not always go with the tradition and do as she believes right.

Whilst the leader of the Taliban was doing radio podcasts about how girls shouldn't be going to school, Malala and her friends were staging their own protest in their own school. Usually, the more intellectual girls would sit at the front so every week they would swap sits with the girls near the back to show equality. This was defiance in secret but Malala still wanted to express her own views and experiences of the Taliban so started writing a diary to show the western world what a young girl was going through. Although she knew that this was dangerous, she felt like the world needed to know the truth and she was courageous enough to do it.

After the shooting, Malala's life changed; she has to live in Birmingham away from the Taliban and her home which she so dearly misses. There is now a Malala fund which helps young people across the world have an access to education and Malala has spoken multiple times to help change the world education issue. I particularly found her speech, which she delivered to the UN, very moving - this girl has a way with her words that makes you want to back her all the way. Also, I did laugh when she explains that she disagrees with Barack Obama's polices and told him that to his face. Malala is standing up for what she believes in and expresses that to all, even huge authority figures.

This book really made me think about family. Malala has such a close relationship with her father particularly and I think, during the hard times in Pakistan, they bounced inspiration off each other. Something interesting which Malala's father said was that, Malala used to be known as his daughter, now he is know as Malala's father. Their relationship is so strong and it was lovely to read about it in her book. Also, Malala's brothers kept her very down to Earth as they continued to tease her and view Malala just as their older sister.

I think that the main message I have taken away from this book is that, God sends the solution before the problem. Although Malala and I follow different religions, I believe that this is very true in all situations, especially hers. This girl is truly an inspiration to all and her bravery and sacrifice has made me re-evaluate some of my decisions. I have been inspired to not be afraid about voicing my opinions and have learnt that it is okay to disagree with others. Age didn't hold back Malala and it certainly should hold back anyone - everyone can make a difference with a little bravery.

Have you read this book? If not, I wholeheartedly recommend that you do. Even though I finished this at the end of 2015, it was my favourite book that I had read throughout the year. 



  1. Definitely on my to-read list just in life! She's so inspiring and a great role model for women and kids everywhere!

    Jasmine | The Sixth Disney Princess

    1. She certainly is! Definitely give it a read!!


  2. I've been wanting to buy this book for a while now, Malala is such an inspiration so thanks so much for reminding me to purchase it! Great post xx

    1. Malala has definitely inspired me! Thank you, let me know your thoughts on it! :)


  3. I haven't read this book but it sounds really good! I definitely will try picking it up in the summer when I have more time to read! Thank you for the lovely review x


    1. It's such an inspirational book, I'm sure you'll love it! Aw, that's alright


  4. This is definitely going to my to-read-list. Thank you for the review x

    Sophie | ssophiespot.blogspot.co.uk

    1. An amazing book! Let me know your thoughts after you read it!


  5. Wow! This sounds like such an inspirational read! Definitely going on my reading list! I've just finished The Life Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo, and I thought that was inspirational - but this just sounds like an incredible book! Lovely review!
    Charlotte xx - Charlotte Sophia Roberts

    1. Oh! I've read that book and loved it! Thank you!


  6. I'm in the midst of reading it and although I've been following Malala for a while now, I'm learning so much and being truly imspired by her story. She's so intelligent, well spoken, and brave making things happen for a cause she cares so much about. And it's even more amazing that she is so young! I want to be like her when I grow up!

    - Courtney
